Aqui, no quebeque a Pepsi vende mais do que a Coca-cola!! Sim! É verdade! Cada povo tem sua maluquice! Aliás, é impressionante o dominío da Pepsi. São vários bares, restaurantes e afins que só vendem Pepsi. Ja fui em supermercados que só tinham Pepsi gelada.
Os 'quebecoises' em geral preferem a Pepsi! Dei uma pesquisada e encontrei o seguinte:
"Pepsi had long been the drink of Canadian Francophones and it continues to hold its dominance by relying on local Québécois celebrities (especially Claude Meunier, of La Petite Vie fame) to sell its product.[20] PepsiCo use the slogan "here, it's Pepsi" (Ici, c'est Pepsi) to answer toEt Coca-cola publicity "Everywhere in the world, it's Coke" (Partout dans le monde, c'est Coke)."
Olha só essa noticia do New York Times:
In a Quebecer’s Heart, Pepsi Occupies a Special Place
"Quebec is one of the developed world’s few markets where the positions of Pepsi and Coca-Cola are reversed. According to ACNielsen MarketTrack, Pepsi’s main brand commands 29.9 percent of the retail soft drink market in Quebec, based on volume, compared with 12.3 percent for Coke.
And all of the brands owned by Pepsi control just over 60 percent of the province’s soft drink business — a dominance that even led to a common slur. The Canadian Oxford dictionary defines “pepsi” as derogatory term for a French Canadian, “from the perceived Québécois preference for Pepsi-Cola.”
To te falando que o povo daqui é meio biruta,sô!!!!
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